Short Bio
Sara Brunetti received the Graduate Degree in Mathematics, and the Ph.D. in Computer and Automation Engineering from the University of Florence, Italy, in 1997 and in 2001, respectively. She was a research fellow at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science (2002-2005), and since 2022, she is Associate Professor at the Department of Information Engineering and Mathematics at the University of Siena.
Her main research interests concern the design of efficient algorithms, in particular in Computational Geometry, Bioinformatics, Digital Image Analysis. She has authored more than sixty papers, and has been the co-guest editor of special issues on international journals in her research field. She has been invited speaker at several international conferences as well as involved in the organization and in the Program Committee of several scientific conferences and workshops.
Sara Brunetti participated in several research projects mainly focused on Inverse Problems, Combinatorial Algorithms, Formal Languages and Automata, funded by Italian Ministry of Education (MIUR), and University of Florence and Siena (PAR scheme), and to the activities of the program COST Action MP1207 Enhanced X-ray Tomographic Reconstruction: Experiment, Modeling, and Algorithms as one of the five italian members. She has collaborated with the international research groups of the Tecknische Universitat Munchen, University of Szeged, LIMOS (Laboratoire d’Informatique, de Modélisation et d’Optimisation des Systèmes) of Clermont Auvergne, Université Louis Pasteur Pôle API of Strasbourg.
She is Co-Chair of the Technical Committee-18 on Discrete Geometry and Mathematical Morphology of the International Association for Pattern Recognition.
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