Andrea Zugarini

Andrea Zugarini

Short Bio

I am currently R&D software engineer at Since November 2017, I am a PhD student in Smart Computing. I received my Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science (Ingegneria Informatica) at University of Florence. In April 2017, I obtained the Master’s Degree with honors in Computer and Automation Engineering at University of Siena defending the thesis called “Information Extraction by Learning Deep Architectures from Constraints”.

Research Interests

I have always been interested in Machine Learning and Optimization problems. In the last few years I mostly worked on Natural Language Processing. The goal of my research project is in Conversational Agents applications, which involve Information Extraction and Language Generation. I am currently working in Text Generation, with particular focus on poem generation. My interests include also, word representations, recurrent neural networks, transfer and few-shot Learning.


Analysis of Italian Diachronic Language Varieties.

Language models to generate tercets or verses resembling the style of Dante and Petrarca poets.

An introduction to some machine learning tools within the most common development environments.


:: 1st place Hackathon Mediaset Infinity.
Predicting user churn on the online streaming platform.

:: 1st place Hackathon Soccer Data Challenge.
Predicting football players modern roles and analysis of teams’s best schemes.


Personal Web Page
Linkedin Profile


List of publications on Google Scholar and Researchgate.

Language Processing Technologies Class – Seminars

Deep Learning in NLP – lecture 1
Language Generation – lecture 2
Entity and Relation Extraction – lecture 2